All About Smoke Detectors

Smoke detectors are small devices that are meant to detect the presence of smoke in your home. The shapes and sizes of different models vary a great deal, based on the manufacturer, yet they all serve the same essential function. They tell you if there’s an alarming amount of smoke in your home.



The detectors are early warning devices that may prevent disasters from occurring or at least save as much life and property from damage or injury in case a fire happens. It is vital that an individual treats the device as a method of protection and therefore may act appropriately in case the detector is set off. The detectors are just among a group of fire safety equipment that can help protect individuals by harm that might be caused by fires.

Always check on your smoke alarm and detector are in good working condition and if they have adequate batteries. Most fires at home take place as it doesn’t need an alarm that determines smoke and possible fire. Most deaths happening in case of fire is because smoke and gas inhalation, which is toxic, harmful and spreads easily. With no smoke detector or a smoke alarm, a smoke might go unnoticed especially at night time.

There are two basic kinds of residential smoke detectors: photoelectric and ionization. Photoelectric smoke detectors are made to detect smoke particles that are large enough to be detected, or seen, by the unit. They are activated when smoke particles block the path of the beam of light inside the detector. Ionization smoke detectors are capable of sensing both visible and invisible particles of smoke. The presence of smoke effectively lowers an electric current which runs in the smoke detector, thus setting it off and alerting you to danger.

Please avoid installing the detector to some areas such as the kitchen, dining room and also the living room. Don’t forget that that the steam and smoke from cooking, candles and also fireplaces may trigger the cause false alarms. Besides, you should avoid the garages and basements. It is best to follow the directions which is included on the package.

Even if a smoke detector is a great help in determining a fire, make sure that you alert your family and all the people in your house. Safety is always the key and these detectors are just tools made to alert and get ready for possible evacuation. Bear in mind; always put in priority the safety of the lives of your household first before you even attempt to salvage some of your valuable belongings. These items can be replaced, but the loss of life can’t ever be restored.