How To: Remove Paint from EVERYTHING

“Removing paint from different surfaces can be one of the most frustrating things. Whether you got paint on your floor when you were doing a painting project or if you are trying clean up someone else’s old mess, the task is difficult. Here are some tips on how to remove paint from a variety of surfaces.”

How to Remove Paint From Glass

Paint splatters on glass can be difficult to remove without scratching the surface. Dish soap and a safety razor blade can remove even old, dried-on paint. Mix dish soap with warm water until sudsy, and thoroughly wet the window with a sponge or rag. Hold the razor blade at a 45-degree angle, and carefully scrape the paint away, keeping the glass damp to avoid scratches.

It can be tough to remove paint from countertops without causing damage, so proceed cautiously. Apply a thin coat of olive oil to paint drips, and rub with a dry rag, working in a circular motion. For stubborn spots, wrap a rag around a plastic putty knife and scrape, exerting only light pressure. As a last resort, try applying a small amount of mineral spirits and wiping with a dry rag.

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