Effective Lawn Mowing Tips and Techniques

Proper Height for mowing your lawns will depend on the type of grass you have. This simple tip is often neglected by a lot of homeowners. Aside from this, there are far more overlooked factors that people tend to make when maintaining their lawn.

When you look at your lawn what do you see? Do you see a nice green lawn that’s a pleasure to look at, sit or play on? Are you content as long as it stays green most of the summer and you don’t mind a few weeds as long as it still looks okay?

These questions can only be answered by you, but one of the best ways to determine if you have been successful with your lawn area is if it’s meeting your needs and expectations in appearance.

There are numerous levels of care for your lawn, but basically we’re all busy and we want to have the best looking lawn we can, while putting only the minimum amount of time, money and effort into it as possible – right?

The good news is that improper mowing is one of the most common causes of lawn problems which can easily be changed. So follow the tips below to change your mowing habits and you’ll get a huge boost towards having your best lawn ever.

The Pros and Cons of Mowing

Now I just mentioned that improper mowing is one of the most common causes of lawn problems, and I said that was good news. It’s is, because instead of having to figure out a disease, or a pest problem, you can just change how and when you mow. Let’s take a look.

What If You Didn’t Mow At All?

No matter how often you have dreamed about it, your lawn would not look better if you never mowed it because depending on what kind of grass you have it would grow anywhere from 4 to 24 inches (10 to 60 cm) tall.

In addition, it would start to set inconspicuous flowers which are high in allergy-producing pollen, and in time the grass would fall over and being to thin out giving a neglected appearance.

So right away we can see that by even doing the minimum amount of mowing, our lawn is going to look much better than if we did nothing at all.


Read more: http://www.weekendgardener.net/lawn-care/mowing-tips-040904.htm

Yard Safety Tips

Photo of garden pond with lily. - David Beaulieu

Photo from http://landscaping.about.com

Landscaping doesn’t stop in setting up plants, trees and other accessories. Safety must also be a part of the considerations. How are you going to prevent accidents or mishaps in your yard especially when you have kids around? Well then, follow these tips to know how.

“No one can warn us against unforeseeable circumstances, nor are even the most cautious of us immune to Murphy’s Law. Besides, what one person regards as an “obvious” danger will catch another quite unawares.”

Follow this link:

7 Common Landscaping Fails

Fail #4: Not making sure home and landscape are in sync. Solution: This Queen Anne is surrounded by annuals, as was Victorian style.

Photo from http://www.connecticutmag.com

When you do your own landscaping or whether you hire a professional landscaping, there are some practices that need to be avoided in order to set things properly. Be extra careful and watch out for these common landscaping fails that you may encounter in the future.

“Many of our miscues simply come from not understanding the basic rules of landscape design (balance, proportion and scale, among them).”

Read full article here: http://www.connecticutmag.com/Connecticut-Magazine/May-2013/7-Common-Landscaping-Fails/